

The many forms of distracted driving

Eyes on the road and hands on the wheel seem like two wise actions to take when driving. Attention counts, too. People whose mind drifts away from the road could cause an accident. Yet, many Colorado motorists make the mistake of letting their attention fade, leading to crashes. Distracted driving

Deadly months for teen drivers

Colorado car accidents can be dangerous and even deadly for people of any age. However, teen drivers face particularly serious risks, especially as they are often inexperienced behind the wheel. The summer months pose a greater danger for teen drivers; as they enjoy the summer school break and activities with

Dangerous conditions for construction workers in the summer

Construction is an inherently dangerous industry to work in. But in the summer, outdoor conditions can significantly add to the risk construction workers face. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) outlines three key summer risks that site managers and construction workers alike should be aware of – and take

The 4 most common workplace violations in Colorado

Accidents are bound to happen in the workplace. That’s why regardless of all the safety standards put in place to protect employees, Colorado law still requires employers to ensure their workers against injuries they might sustain while or as a result of doing their jobs. To protect yourself, here are

Amazon warehouses may be dangerous places

Warehouse workers may find their employment rewarding since so many essential goods travel from where they work to those in need of them. Even so, warehouse work comes with many risks and dangers not present in other places of employment. Some Colorado warehouses could be more dangerous than others, and

2021 proved deadly on the road

Driving comes with risks, and accidents may happen without warning. Sometimes, accidents occur when another Colorado driver commits a moving violation or otherwise disregards others’ safety. In 2021, statistics suggest that a high number of vehicles were involved in fatal vehicle incidents. Perhaps bad habits developed during 2020 played a

How to stay safe on the job

It seems that too many Colorado workers suffer on-the-job injuries that require workers’ compensation claims. It’s important to take certain steps to stay safe. Report unsafe conditions Workers who notice any conditions that are unsafe can tackle the hazards if they are able to do so. If anything is too

Facts about machine shop injuries and workers’ comp

In any industry in Colorado, there are risks to employees. Unfortunately, workers in machine shops often suffer serious injuries because of the nature of the work they do. If you get injured while working in a machine shop, it is important to understand your rights under workers’ compensation law. Which

Flaws in a pedestrian crash avoidance system

A vehicle’s pedestrian crash avoidance system cannot and should never be used in place of your experienced driving skills on any road in Colorado. An activity as complex as driving is best performed with both an automated computer and a human driver. Problems with technology A pedestrian crash avoidance mitigation,

Understanding reckless driving and its consequences

According to Colorado law, reckless driving constitutes a “person who drives a motor vehicle, bicycle, electrical assisted bicycle, or low-power scooter in such a manner as to indicate either a wanton or a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.” Careless driving vs.