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Personal Injury

How Long Do I Have to Report a Workplace Injury in Colorado?

If you have suffered a workplace injury in Colorado, you should report it to your employer as soon as possible. Time is of the essence in this situation, and it makes sense to act now. If you are reading this after a workplace injury, consider contacting your employer sooner rather

Denied Workers’ Comp Claims: Reasons and How to Appeal in Colorado

A denied claim can come as an extremely unwelcome surprise for injured workers in Colorado. However, it does not necessarily end your pursuit of compensation. The first step is to determine the cause of your denied claim. Once you understand why your claim was denied, you can strive for positive

Permanent Disability Benefits in Colorado

If you have suffered a permanent disability after a workplace injury in Colorado, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help you cover medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages. It is important to take full advantage of this crucial safety net, and a workers’ compensation lawyer

Navigating Workers’ Compensation Claims with Pre-Existing Conditions in Colorado

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, up to half of all Americans have some type of pre-existing condition. If you work in Colorado, there’s a 50% chance you are in the same boat. Unfortunately, pre-existing conditions can cause issues when you attempt to pursue workers’ compensation for

The many forms of distracted driving

Eyes on the road and hands on the wheel seem like two wise actions to take when driving. Attention counts, too. People whose mind drifts away from the road could cause an accident. Yet, many Colorado motorists make the mistake of letting their attention fade, leading to crashes. Distracted driving

Symptoms of a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Depending on countless factors from the types of vehicles involved to the speed at which they were traveling, a collision can result in devastating injuries. Vehicle occupants can suffer broken bones, spinal cord damage, amputation or paralysis. Numerous types of impacts can lead to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In

When is an employer responsible for an employee’s negligence?

We made a point previously on our Denver personal injury law blog that may warrant some further discussion and clarification. In a post about an accident involving a city worker, we noted that an employer can generally be held accountable for an employee’s dangerous or negligent acts. There are certain

Colorado storms bring more than leaks

After seasonal storms grew in intensity to bring with them hail, roof-damaged homeowners in Colorado may now be looking for repairs. Where there is necessity, there is demand and where there is demand, there so often is an influx of contractors rushing to answer that cry. However, in the rush to procure

When you cannot protect yourself

After you have been injured on the job or even when you were not at work and were involved in a car accident, you may find you are struggling to recover. In those days and weeks following your injury, your family also has to change their day-to-day routine to make up

Fighting insurance with assurance

Wouldn’t it be ideal to have inside knowledge of the type of tactics an insurance company employs when defending itself against claims that come in from the very people who pay to be insured? To know with near-certainty that your claim will be paid and you will be compensated financially